Cosmopolitan Modernity

The publication of the volume includes the following tasks: the completion of the editorial work, the coordination of the team of academic authors, the research coordination of the work in progress.


This book examines recent debates on the political dynamics of cosmopolitanism, particularly in its connection with European civil society and the public sphere. The aim of the volume is to trace to what extent cosmopolitanism corresponds to «second modernity», with the latter concept referring to the potential for consensus, the creation of multiple political alternatives and the recognition of otherness. The book accordingly explores questions about democratic legitimacy and the formation of social and political institutions and presents empirical research on phenomena such as global violence.
The volume is intended to constitute a cosmopolitan project in itself, comprising contributions from scholars with very diverse approaches. Together, these contributions provide a stimulating analysis of what cosmopolitanism can offer to socially and politically diverse twenty-first-century societies.

More Information

Editor: Anastasia Marinopoulou

ISBN: 9783034308731

DOI: 10.3726/978-3-0353-0728-3

Keywords: second modernity, civil society, public sphere, Cosmopolitanism

Publication Year: 2015

More information: Peter Lang