The Concept of the Political in Max Horkheimer and Jurgen Habermas
The subject matter of this thesis is the concept of the political as it was presented by two distinguished thinkers of the Frankfurt School, Max Horkheimer and Jürgen Habermas. The thesis examines the political, as both thinkers criticized it, and attempts to analyze the political in three particular dimensions: to what extent it relates to the individual, to the sciences and mainly to society as well. The thesis deals with most of Horkheimer’s and Habermas’ basic texts. Furthermore, many works of other thinkers of the Frankfurt School and further critique, presented by contemporary scientists, is also the scope of the present work. It was the primary aim of this research to investigate the importance of a conscious realization of the political by individuals and social collectivities and the influence of politics on the social. In particular, the arguments of the research are divided into three sections: first, how the individual can form a politically conscious individuality that contributes to the transformation of the societal, second, how the sciences can intervene within society and bring forward political changes and, third, whether and with what means society can produce politics that promotes people’s social integration and social institutions’ evolution and advance. The main concern of this thesis was to criticize whether it is social collectivities or political organizations or social institutions that can become the bearers of social and political innovations. It attempted to explicate the latter issue taking into consideration Horkheimer’s and Habermas’ argumentation on the same topics.

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Author: Anastasia Marinopoulou
Publisher: Nissos Academic Publishing
Published: 2008
More information: Academia